Category Archives: Mansions and Houses


This was one of the houses on our short trip of Italy
I wasnt really prepared for the interior of the grand looking mansion on the top of a hill
but the whole 1st level was room upon room of intricate mosaic filled splendour
there were rooms all in white, colour and everything in between

Broken Chairs

Sometimes while out photographing, nature doesn’t behave
you end up getting somewhere and its raining and miserable and have a hard enough time making yourself get out of the car, let alone be inspired to press the shutter

I thought that this was one of those days, even while I was taking pictures, I didnt think this set was going to come out very well. Actually the dark gloomy nature of the light ended up giving some very atmospheric photos.
I would be more inclined to go out in miserable weather if I always got shots like these

The Staircase

A grand staircase, or at least it was
This was a revisit to a house that a few months ago had a grand banister running down the staircase, now the place was wrecked, vandals had ruined the murals as well as the elaborate woodwork that was found in the other roomw


A small abandoned cottage which was completely trashed, it had obviously been like that for a long time and it was damp and didnt smell very nice at all.
The kitchen was just as bad, in fact the clutter and mess just to the right of the cooker was just awful although it did make my house look like its brand new – this was the only photo which came out decently from that place!


The Pool

Theres something quite clincal about a swimming pool, white tiles and usually quite a light place. An empty pool however is quite strange, being able to walk around the bottom with the plastic lane dividers floating above your head while your footsteps echo around the room!

the pool

The Hallway

This damp and dusky hallway was actually in a manor house quite nearby to me which makes a change, normally places are quite a trek to get to. This was one of those early starts where the end location was not really that inspiring, either that or I was just not feeling it that day which actually happens more times than you may think.

I always manage to get one or 2 shots which i am pleased with though and this was the one from that day, you can almost smell the damp carpet being warmed by the early morning sun which is what i was trying to capture.
