Monthly Archives: August 2013


My blog has been neglected a little of late, much like the hoovering in my house, this is mainly because all available floorspace (in my house) has been taken up with metal panels in order to get them ready for exhibition time next week.
The preparation involves all manner of intoxicating chemicals, industrial spray paint, lacquer (thats the varnish and not the drink) and contact adhesive which is especially potent. Ive found myself going out for walks late in the evening to try and clear my head a little, but most of that is done now and its just left to fit the frames together ready for hanging.

The press releases went out and nice printed cards which have met with very little success, it always surprises me how difficult it is to get any engagement from arty folk, its probably half due to my lack of experience with marketing, something that I have always found difficult and probably due to the amount of stuff that get sent out to people, Still – I hope they were responsibly recycled. In contrast to the tumbleweeds from some of the galleries, there has been some really positive responses which really makes all of it worth it and I think that the opening night is gearing up to be a very interesting night.

The opening reception is next Thursday (5th September) at the Tobacco Factory in Bristol and I will be there to show and answer questions about the work.

Click here for more information

