Monthly Archives: May 2011

Arts and Crafts

A bit of arts and crafts today, I had been staring at the screen too long last night so decided to print all the possible images out to scale and play around with them as a mini plan. I wont go as far as to make it 3d with cutout people…
actually thats not such a bad idea!

A Twitter apology

Ive said before that self promotion is one of the things that ive found most difficult throughout the past few months, putting myself on the line as somebody whos photos you should see, isnt (or hasnt been) me.
This week this has been made worse by the start of sending out automated Twitter Direct Messages, Its taken quite alot of buildup to actually press the send button, the thought of sending out messages like that feels so unnatural, I was just about getting used to the normal use of twitter, but… as i keep telling myself, its a necessary evil and the only way sometimes is to shout the loudest… so sorry twitter followers please forgive me.

This week saw the return of one of my magazine mailouts, which was quite nice, although the compliments slip that accompanied it was a bit cold, still at least one of my DVDs can go back in a proper case now.
The press release went out today as well, early days I know but im hoping that something will come of it.

Tweeting away

My Twitter target has been well and truely exceeded, I was hoping to have 400 followers by the end of May and have surpassed that now, thanks for everyone thats following and hope that you wont get bored by the exhibition spam in the next month, ill try and add some nonsense in there too, just to mix it up a bit. If you arent following then im @darrennisbett, if you are then make sure you say hi!

Its all me me me

Updated the About me page yesterday. Ive been asked for a headshot twice in a matter of a week now so I think actually having it on here is good practice. Im so used to being able to hide behind a website and emails that it feels really odd to actually have to put pictures of myself everywhere.

Changed the titles of the pages a bit as well, I need to stop being so cryptic.

Press releases

Its been about a month now and the 7 small homing pidgeon packages that i sent out to magazines have obviously been left underneath somebodies desk or thrown away by the cleaners.

Part of me is disapointed by this, yes I have had one excellent response which would probably dwarf all the others anyway but another part of me thinks that if you go to the trouble of printing out pictures, creating cds and spending money on envelopes and even enclosing paid returns envelopes, then the magazines should at least send the stuff back to you.
Im not going to stress myself out about this though, i will put it down as their loss
After the trauma of actually having to put words to paper for the article, my numerous attempts at writing a press release have been almost as traumatic. For me I feel like ive almost admitted defeat on this but I need to get over that one. Ive enlisted the help of a PR company to help with the writing and distribution of the release, theres just not enough hours in the evenings at the moment and I dont want to leave this too late.

More words

It has taken about a week and loads of re-writing but the text for the magazine is now done, ive emailed it off now so can stop worrying about it. Its probably been one of the most challenging things ive done, I dont find it easy to write about myself and express thoughts at the best of times, and its not like these little paragraphs or the random splutterings of twitter, this one will actually be in print!!
Im now intrigued to see the final version and definately cant wait until it comes out. had to send in a mug shot as well, thats probably as equally scary as the article


I had an idea the other night to title the images from song titles in my album collection, not that this would probably mean anything to 90% of everyone else as my music is quite obscure, but at least it would mean something to me. the first few titles that i chose fitted extremely well but then i ran out.

I may be going through my Vinyl collection thats currently taking over my lounge and really needs to go on ebay.

Words words words

Im struggling today with words, photos and staring through the viewfinder, even photoshop now come fairly easily to me, but writing things like press releases and other text thats needed is becoming a challenge.

The Ipad and computer have rescued a few forests though and saved the iconic image of the waste bin with huge overspilling piles of screwed up paper.
All hail the mighty DELETE button