Tag Archives: royal academy

blog : Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2015

The Summer Exhibition is one of the highlights of the London art scene
An open competition which covers every 2d and 3d artform

The process involves a 3 stage judging process spread over several months, to say that my fingernails were bitten on the notification days would be an understatement.
I was ecstatic this year when on May 21st, I heard that both of my submissions would be hung in the exhibition, I was away on holiday at the time which is the same as 2 years ago when I was selected (last year I was at home and didnt get in) so will have to make sure im always away in May. It was my birthday as well which made the news even more special

Here are the prints that are being shown

This photo composite which in part takes its title from a Dj Shadow track [you tube] was taken in Tunisia at the actual film set prop used in Star Wars Episode IV.
These places were all found off the beaten track, no signposts or markings which would give away their locations and thankfully no giftshops to be seen at all. I had all the locations printed out on paper before I went there which helped a lot. Actually seeing these in real life is like every kids dreams and I was no different.

This image was taken in an abandoned theatre in Belgium, the cold and silent building was a stark contrast to how it would have been with music and dance filling the hall. The single row of chairs facing the fallen curtain enhances the sense of emptiness.



and some photos from the exhibition
The hanging position was great too, Curtain Call was quite high but it was above a really interesting piece where somebody had created a streetmap of london with just the street names
so it will hopefully still get seen


Royal Academy Summer Exhibition

Sometimes I dread opening mail, not often that it actually comes in a paper envelope, but everything is very properly done at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. It was Months ago that I took my prints into London to submit to the process, and although secretly hoping, I didn’t think that they would be selected. I watched the BBC2 program on the summer exhibition as well that showed the judging process and gave an idea of what a room with 13,000 pieces of art may look like, such a huge task to narrow it down.

After finding out that my prints were being held back, that was almost news enough. The news that both of my prints were to be hung in Burlington House in prestigious Piccadilly was just amazing! The place itself is big with lots of rooms, all showing fantastic artwork in all forms, its a real honour to be on the walls with them all.

Now in its 245th year, the Summer Exhibition remains a much anticipated highlight of the arts calendar, serving as a unique window on to all areas of the contemporary art world.
It is the world’s largest open-submission exhibition, displaying more than 1,000 works in all styles and media, including painting, printmaking, photography, sculpture, architectural models and film.

The exhibition is showing between June 10th and 18 August 2013
Burlington House, Picadilly, London.


The Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition 2013

Exhibition news : darrennisbett.co.uk